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Static analysis is performed in a non-runtime environment. Static application security testing (SAST) is a testing process that looks at the application from the inside out. This test process is performed without executing the program, but rather by examining the source code, byte code or application binaries for signs of security vulnerabilities. In the static test process, the application data and control paths are modeled and then analyzed for security weaknesses. Static analysis is a test of the internal structure of the application, rather than functional testing.
Dynamic analysis adopts the opposite approach and is executed while a program is in operation. Dynamic application security testing (DAST) looks at the application from the outside in — by examining it in its running state and trying to manipulate it in order to discover security vulnerabilities. The dynamic test simulates attacks against a web application and analyzes the application’s reactions, determining whether it is vulnerable. Having originated and evolved separately, static and dynamic analysis have, at times, been mistakenly viewed in opposition. There are, however, a number of strengths and weaknesses associated with both approaches to consider.
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